Over the past years we have been honored to collaborate with and collectively grow community of imaginative, committed and radical humans. We invite you to learn about their work.
Alex Zhevi Dhabi (MoodWar)
Ashley Faye Thomas
Christina Maridaki
Corinne Beardsley
Cosmo Whyte
Danijela Dedović
Fadaa Ali
Hatif Farhan
Guadalupe Garcia, The ANT Project
Jennifer Mogannam (PFC)
Jovana Djajić
Katayoun Vaziri
Kazem Ghouchani
Krisztián Török
Marina Ilić, Djeve Collective
Maryam Jahanbin
Miloš Miletić and Mirjana Radovanović, KURS
Mohammed Okab
Nadja Pavlica
Natalia Ivanova Mount
Nechama Winston
Palestinian Feminist Collective (PFC)
Pamela Sneed
Rashmi Viswanathan
Read Rafei
Robyn Whyte
Sarah Ihmoud (PFC)
Shabir Ahmed Baloch
Tiffany-Anne Parkes, Pinnanny
The Propeller Group
Tuan Andrew Nguyen
Viktoria Draganova
Vladimir Miladinović
Yaroub Al-Obaidi
Aici Acolo, Cluj, Romania
Annex B, Brooklyn NY / Sao Paulo, Brazil
Alterwork Studios, Queens, NY
Arts of the Working Class, Berlin, Germany
Casa Ojalá, Mexico City
Center for Afrofuturist Studies (CAS), Iowa City, IA
Četiri vode / Four Waters, Ljubanje, Serbia
De-Construkt [projekts], Brooklyn, NY
Djeve Collective, Post-architectural collective, Belgrade / Berlin / Stocholm
Friends, Peace, and Sanctuary Project, Philadelphia, PA
footnote centre, Belgrade, Serbia
Galerija Reflektor, Užice, Serbia
Group on Green Extractivism in the Balkans (Informal collective at the intersection of research, advocacy, activism and art, focusing on resistance to ‘green’ extractivism in the Balkans.)
Howl! Happening: An Arturo Vega Project, New York, NY
KODA, New York, NY
Legat Franklin, Belgrade, Serbia
MoodWar, Melbourne, Australia
MULTI CULT by Lyra Hill, Los Angeles, CA
New Poetics of Labor / Nuevas Poéticas del Trabajo, Brooklyn, NY / Bogota, Colombia
Novosadski feministički abolicionistički kolektiv, Novi Sad, Serbia
NTIZEZA, feminist platform, Athens, Greece
Slobodan Sekulić Elementary School, Užice, Serbia
Palestinian Feminist Collective
Pinnanny, Harlem, NY
Poetic Societies, Detroit, MI
Prosthetic Pavillion, Belgrade, Serbia
ProArts Gallery & COMMONS, Oakland, CA
Public Space One, Iowa City, IA
REMONT, Belgrade, Serbia
Sculpture Space NYC, Queens, NY
signs and symbols, New York, NY
The ANT Project, Mexico City, Mexico
The Association for Culture and Art – Crvena, Sarajevo, BiH
The Museum of Contemporary Art Georgia (MOCAGA), Atlanta GA
Trotter & Sholer, New York, NY
Twelve Gates Arts (12G), Philadelphia PA
U10 Art Space, Belgrade, Serbia
Udruženje KURS, Belgrade, Serbia
UVUU, Užice, Serbia
Swimming Pool, Sofia, Bulgaria
Warscapes, Decolonial Feminist Independant Online Magazine
ZBOR (Locals, workers and activists from the Balkans and beyond united against mining/Protivimo se rudarskim projektima i borimo se za pravednu budućnost)
Zeleni talas, Čačak