WRITING Whose Security? | Čija bezbednost?, Sofija Stefanović i Nataša Prljević. December 23, 2024

WRITING Devin G. Atallah: IZVAN TUGE: VOLETI I OSTATI SA ONIMA KOJI UMIRU NA NAŠIM RUKAMA Tekst originalno objavljen: 24. oktobra 2023. na engleskom  (Institut za palestinske studije)

WRITING Sara Ihmud: 'GHASSA', KNEDLA U GRLU KOJA BLOKIRA SUZE I GOVOR  Tekst originalno objavljen: 21. oktobra 2023. na engleskom (Institut za palestinske studije)

HEKLER | FOUR WATERS SUMMER SCHOOL: Strategies of Withdrawal (July 2024) This summer we invited dear friends and collaborators – artists, poets, writers, architects, cultural workers and activists into a convivial feminist experimental space at Four Waters. We were happy to greet unexpected guests from afar, weaving friendships from different points of life. Together we held space for experimental workshops, artist talks, and collective (non) work. (ENG|BHS)

NTIZEZA | HEKLER: TransBalkan Temporary Community at Four Waters (June 28 - July 3, 2024) We came together in the hope of building solidarity bridges with artists and platforms in the Balkans, that share common feminist convictions and cultural parallelities, informed by our geographical, beyond eurocentric, histories.


INTERVIEW Jelena Prljević and Miloš Bojović were guest speakers at a radio show Radio Aparat where they spoke about collective work and archiving at Four Waters, importance of community care and understanding of cross generational traumas.

HEKLER | FOUR WATERS SUMMER SCHOOL (July 5 - 15, 2023) - We celebrated five years of HEKLER and three years of collective work towards conservation, restoration and building of the Four Waters, a household located in the beautiful landscape of village Ljubanje envisioned as a transnational meeting point and sanctuary for artists, researchers, and activists. For more information visit the Four Waters | Četiri vode website.

WRITING Nataša Prljević wrote Kapaciteti za zajedništvo / Capacities for togetherness commissioned for a new feminist portal Feministika, organized by the Association for Culture and Art – Crvena, Sarajevo

INTERVIEW with Nataša Prljević for Politika, Serbian daily newspaper, organized by Association KURS

(ZOOM) WORKSHOPS December 2022 Farideh Sakhaeifar and Nataša Prljević led the Public Training Art Camp in collaboration with the Office of Public Art, Pittsburgh PA

(ZOOM) LECTURE & WORKSHOP November 2022 Joshua Nierodzinski, Nataša and Jelena Prljević led 2 sessions with collectives from Russia as a part of the Collective Academy presented by iPureland

(ZOOM) LECTURE & WORKSHOP November 2022 We was invited to the University of Waterloo Fine Arts Visiting Artist Speaker Series hosted by Bojana Videkanić. We presented our individual and collective art practices to the MFA Students followed by the workshop led by Miloš Bojović, Ioannis Andronikidis, Jelena Prljević which explored "How friendship impacts art practice?"

(Athens, Greece) ART BOOK FAIR September 23-26, 2022 Hekler exhibited publications at the Athens Art Book Fair and took part in the public program by giving a talk titled Decentralized Archives by Jelena Prljević and Ionnis Andronikidis.

INTERVIEW Hekler was featured in the Off-Space Q&A column of Blok Magazine based in Warsaw, Poland.

PODCAST (New York, Požega) Members were featured in 2 episodes of the Broken English podcast led by artist Mila Panić. Jelena Prljević & Miloš Bojović in one episode and Nataša Prljević and Saša Tatić in another.

(Novi Sad, Serbia) INTERVIEW Odmor je otpor by KURS collective in relation to exhibition Imaginary Borders for Serbian weekly printed newspaper Politika

(ZOOM) December 2021 Two online events organized in support of the Among Women: Contemporary Art from Serbia, a group exhibition curated by Rachel Klipa featuring artworks by eleven Belgrade-based artists: Šejma Fere, Bojana S. Knežević, Marina Marković, Tijana Radenković, Simonida Rajčević, Vahida Ramujkić, Milica Ružičić, Maja Simić, Nina Todorović, Anica Vučetić, and Gordana Žikić.

(ZOOM) October 2 - December 13, 2021 HEKLER Assembly: Infrastructures of Care online study group that explores the relationship between civic engagement and collectivity through art practice and pedagogy.

(Belgrade, Serbia) July 29 - September 5, 2021 HEKLER responded to the Youth Biennial theme Common Language with three multilingual ANTI-FEAR workshops, publication and the exhibition at the Footnote Centre in Belgrade.

(ZOOM) April 2, 2021 ARTISTS IN CONVERSATION Jelena Prljević and Farideh Sakhaeifar in conversation with friend, artist and educator, Francis Estrada. Reflecting on respective solo shows, too much remembering. too much forgetting: drawing as metabolizing memory, currently on view at Reflektor Gallery (Užice, Serbia) and You are in the war zone, presented by KODA and Trotter&Sholer (New York, NY).

ESSAY December 31, 2020 Život kao kolateralna šteta – Jovana Đajić i Nataša Prljević, Udruženje za kulturu i umjetnost CRVENA, Sarajevo, Bosnia and Herzegovina Life As Collateral Damage (English Translation)

(ZOOM) December 13, 2020, 3 PM EST Democratic Socialists of America (DSA) Anti War Forum hosted HEKLER for the discussion: Art, Instituting, and Friendship: Towards the Internationalist Future

(Berlin, Germany) Sept 13, 2020 As a contributing editor for the 13 issue of Arts of the Working Class EUROTHANASIA, HEKLER community members Rashmi Viswanathan, Nataša Prljević, Shimrit Lee, Darko Vukić, Lena Katharina Reuter, Farideh Sakhaeifar, Caterina Stamou (printed version), Dena Al-Adeeb, and Bisan Abu-Eisheh collaboratively developed and reflected on sites which have been recently invested with new political and social meanings. We called our contribution Sites of Convulsion. We will be distributing printed copies from Brooklyn, Belgrade and Athens.

(ZOOM) May 8 - July 31, 2020 HEKLER ASSEMBLY - series of online gatherings and a transnational space for artists and cultural workers to share, discuss and collectively imagine new ways of instituting based on the principles of self-organizing, community care, critical thinking, political education, and healing as commons. Assembly is organized by Nataša Prljević, the ANTI-FEAR Assembly series are initiated with Sonja Blum, New York-based artist and neurologist. In the period May 8 - July 31, 2020 we organized 15 online Assemblies with a focus on Futurisms, Civic Space and Collectivity, and Poetics and Fear with following hosts (Reading Groups) Joshua Nierodzinski, Nataša Prljević, Aici Acolo Curatorial Collective, Rashmi Viswanathan, Dena Al-Adeeb, Eva Davidova, Natalia Ivanova Mount, Darko Vukić, Farideh Sakhaeifar, Krisztián Török, Carlos Kong, Raed Rafei, The Center for Afrofuturist Studies - alea adigweme, manuel arturo abreu, (ANTI FEAR) Sanja Vasić, Pamela Sneed, Cassie Thornton, Hawa Allen, Sahar Sephadari, Ánima Correa, Boshko Boskovic, and Ashley Faye Thomas.

INTERVIEW Nataša Prljević in conversation with Milica Grbić for Belgrade-based Oblakoder magazine: Pandorina kutija Amerike – šta je sve posledica nasilnog ponašanja policije?

PRESS MENTION  Tausif Noor for Artforum: Contested Development, a review of Theater of Operations: The Gulf Wars 1991-2011at MoMA PS1 with a mention of A People's Tribunal: 28 Exhibits at Twelve Gates Arts.

(Atlanta, GA) Nov 19, 2019 - Jan 11, 2020 - THE FIRE NEXT TIME, a collaborative art installation with Cosmo Whyte for his solo exhibition Beneath Its Tongue, The Fish Rolls The Hook To Sharpen Its Cadence, Museum of Contemporary Art Georgia (MoCA GA), Atlanta, GA.

REVIEW  TK SMITH for ARTSATL: In MOCA GA show, Cosmo Whyte displays breadth, and hints at what’s next; Review of Cosmo Whyte’s solo exhibition Beneath Its Tongue, the Fish Rolls the Hook to Sharpen Its Cadenceincluding HEKLER collaborative installation The Fire Next Time 

REVIEW Nirupa Umapathy for Warscapes: War on Terror Goes on Trial ; Review of A People’s Tribunal: 28 Exhibits, a closing public program for Clear-Hold-Build, Philadelphia, PA

REVIEW Nadežda Kirćanski for SeeCult (Belgrade): Doprinos kontra-istoriji / Contribution to counter history, reflection on a group exhibition hybrid narratives, hybrid histories at U10 Artspace, an ongoing collaboration with HEKLER which organized residencies for visiting exhibiting artists Sahar Saphadari (NYC/Iran) and Liza Grobler (South Africa).

(Belgrade, Serbia) November 14 - December 14, 2019 - HEKLER RESIDENCY with Liza Grobler and Sahar Sepahdari organized in conjunction with the exhibition hybrid narratives, hybrid histories curated by Nadežda Kirćanski at U10 Art Space and Savremena galerija Zrenjanin.

(Sofia, Bulgaria) November 12-28, 2019 - Participation in Curatorial School: On Collaborative Practices organized by Viktoria Draganova at Swimming Pool Projects.

(Brooklyn, NY) November 14, 2019 - Y? PROJECT - Neža Knez, Danilo Milovanović, Toni Poljanec, and Luka Erdani, presentation and a pop-up exhibition showcasing a multifaceted European travelogue of Yugo, a legendary car produced in Yugosalvia that this Slovenian group of artists brought to New York. Followed by Click, Pop, Hiss, a sonic improvisation and performances by New York artists and composers Gocha Tsinadze, Matthew D. Gantt, Sara Wentworth, and George Kinjo Ericso. Hosted by HEKLER.

(Philadelphia, PA) October 19, 2019 - A People’s Tribunal: 28 Exhibits, a performative tribunal that brings together a group of artists, activists, and scholars to account for the impact of global counterinsurgency doctrine. With storytelling, installation, and song as "evidence," the tribunal interrogates the rhetoric that has fueled the lasting trauma of the U.S. War in Iraq, while building a collective archive that fosters alternative spaces of restitution for evaluating the war on terror. Performers: Amina Ahmed, Dena Al-Adeeb, Fadaa Ali, Yaroub Al-Obaidi, Nada El-Kouny, Hatif Farhan, Kazem Ghouchani, Maryam Jahanbin, Luma Jasim, Mohammed Okab, Hussein Smko; Organizers: Dena Al-Adeeb, Shimrit Lee, Nataša Prljević, Farideh Sakhaeifar. Hosted by Twelve gates Arts.

(Philadelphia, PA) September 13, 2019 - Clear-Hold-Build-Archive, an artist talk moderated by curator Shimrit Lee with exhibiting artists Bisan Abu-Eisheh, Samia Henni, alongside Nora Elmarzouky, Manager of Friends, Peace, and Sanctuary Project at Swarthmore College. The panel will focus on the use of archives as an artistic medium with which to address the legacies of counterinsurgency. Hosted by Twelve gates Arts.

(Philadelphia, PA) September 6 - October 23, 2019 - Clear-Hold-Build, a group exhibition that examines a lasting trauma of global counterinsurgency. Co-curated and organized by Shimrit Lee, Joshua Nierodzinski, and Nataša Prljević. Participating artists: Bisan Abu-Eisheh, Dena Al-Adeeb, Shabir Ahmed Baloch, Samia Henni, Khaled Jarrar, Vladimir Miladinović, The Propeller Group, Farideh Sakhaeifar, Hồng-Ân Trương. Hosted by Twelve gates Arts.

INTERVIEW HEKLER Collective, Interview by Corinne Beardsley for Frontrunner Magazine, New York, NY. 

(Užice, Serbia) June 21 - July 5, 2019 - HEKLER RESEARCH RESIDENCY - Nina Komel and Nataša Prljević use site-specific research methods to establish correlations between artists’ hometowns, City of Užice (RS) and Municipality Brod (RS, BiH), that both reflect the failure of transitional economies during and in the post-war period. This process encompassed audiovisual mapping of the foreclosed public factories due to failed privatization and their influence on the working class community, as well as displaced historic landmarks.

(Brooklyn, NY) Saturday May 25, 2019 - YUGOTOPIA DANCE PARTY VOL. 3 - DJ’s Drugari (Amir Husak and Boshko Boskovic), live projections by Irfan Brković & Jelena Prljević, and Youth Day inspired visuals by Jelena Antanasijević. Hosted by HEKLER.

(Belgrade, Serbia) January 17, 2019 - HEKLER & RESIDENCY UNLIMITED / PRESENTATION AND CONVERSATION. Hosted by Legat Franklin.

(Brooklyn, NY) November 30, 2018 - ANNEXB’S FORUM AGAINST NOSTALGIA - Art and Culture in Contexts of Authoritarianism (ACCA) - Raphaela Melsohn, Yudi Rafael, Tatiane Santa Rosa, and Felipe Steinberg, present cases relevant to current and past contexts of authoritarianism in Brazil, in relation to Latin America, and the US. With a guest performance by Cyriaco Lopes. Hosted by HEKLER.

(Brooklyn, NY) November 10, 2018 - FRANCIS ESTRADA AND RAMYAR VALA Readings by Nita Noveno and Joseph O. Legaspi, Hosted by De-Construkt [projekts].

WRITING Amir Husak Exercising Radical Democracy: The Crisis of Representation and Interactive Documentary as an Agent of Change. Alphaville: Journal of Film and Screen Media, no. 15, Summer 2018, pp. 16–32.

WRITING War, Memory, Protest - Thoughts by Sahar Sepahdari

(Brooklyn, NY) October 13, 2018 - War, Memory, Protest, a roundtable conversation organized in collaboration with Farideh Sakhaeifar and Sadra Shabab focused on exhibited artworks that examine the relationships between the economy of war and the visual culture. Participating artists and moderators: Bisan Abu Eisheh, Saba Alizadeh, Sahar Sepahdari, Mandana Mansouri, Zahra Ali, and Manijeh Nasrabadi. Hosted by at De-Construkt [projekts].

(New York, NY) August 29, 2018 - artist and allies
Videos and photography by Željka Blakšić (Gita Blak), Boshko Boskovic, Amir Husak, Marina Leybishkis, Joshua Nierodzinski, Jelena Prljević, Nataša Prljević, Siniša Radulović, and Farideh Sakhaeifar. Hosted by signs and symbols gallery.