Contracts and Constellations
HEKLER ASSEMBLY: Infrastructures of Care
See full program here.
Sessions #8 + #9: Contracts and Constellations
When: Mon. November 15, 2021 12-3pm ET
Thur. November 18, 2021 12-3pm ET
Hosts: Eryka Dellenbach, Yunuen Rhi
Contracts and Constellations: PT. I is a participatory workshop co-facilitated by Eryka Dellenbach and Yunuen Rhi that offers participants an opportunity to dissect the contract medium and explore and rewrite its parts. While contracts are built upon moral, ethical, interpersonal concepts, their terms are modified and estranged as they are enforced by law, or the State.
Through an embodied meditation of the connection between the Throat and the pelvis, analysis of common contracts, and the collective composition of a social contract, we will consider the ways in which these documents are ultimately designed to control, protect, exploit, deceive and forget the body.
*This workshop will strongly inform the following workshop Session #9/ Contracts & Constellations: PT. II. In addition to the concepts introduced and digested here, the social contract that is composed in this workshop will be recognized in Thursday, November 18th session.
Session material
Contracts & Constellations Texts
Please bring:
-A candle or something to burn durationally for our 3 hours together, or to burn twice (i.e. dry plant, resin..)
-Something to safely catch and contain the flame and burning parts (i.e. plate, bowl, non-flammable surface, etc.)
-Something to light the little fire
-A glass/cup of drinking water
Eryka Dellenbach is a genderfluid, nomadic filmmaker, performance artist and teaching-artist from Chicago. Their embodied films and performances are rites of passage for themselves and collaborators driven by consent practices, inquisitive hedonisms, cross-cultural correspondence and a belief in the capacity for mutual transformation through collaboration and art-as-life process. Website.
Yunuen Rhi is a Xicanx-Korean non-binary martial art instructor, performance artist, anthropologist, and healer. We have cultivated ourselves in western, eastern and native medicine pathways to expand our multidimensional consciousness. Our performance interest lies in its capacity as a social practice to build community bridges beyond decolonizing work. IG: @yunuen_rhi