HEKLER OPEN CALL_Draft copy.jpg


Dear Community,

We hope you, your families, and communities are safe and well. During this time of global uncertainty and physical distancing, HEKLER honors our commitment to solidarity by launching an international call for collaboration.

HEKLER is now accepting submissions across disciplines that address conflict, ecological justice, transnational solidarity, community care, and the role of hospitality in critical times.

We can feature your existing artwork, essays, conduct and publish interviews as well as enter collaborative online discussions. This open call is for cultural workers - artists, writers, curators, researchers, educators, collectives, and community organizers who want to expand the conversation about their projects and the ways we can work together through and after this period. We aim to archive the material on our website making it accessible to public. You can read more about our mission here.

Below please see the ways we can start the conversation. Reach out in the way you find most relevant. If your preferred format is not listed here, send it regardless. Email your material to heklerke@gmail.com.

1) Portfolio (PDF/Word)
2) 1-3 images of your work with short description of the project
3) Your artist statement, research and/or pedagogical focus
4) Curatorial text with images of realized exhibitions
5) Essays
6) Sound works
7) Interviews
8) What do you find most challenging in your practice right now? Is there anything you would like to discuss / problem solve through conversation?
9) Most importantly, how are you?

Every day the world is affected by the lethal dysfunctionality of capitalism and its disastrous consequences globally. There is a lot of cumulative stress and trauma caused by the ongoing repression, governing failure, and the private accumulation of wealth that sabotage successful responses to the COVID-19 pandemic. We continue to conspire online until we break out of quarantine (hopefully soon!) 

Thank you!

In solidarity, 

HEKLER Collective

*This open call is ongoing and is being edited to meet everyone’s needs as we move through this period.

The work we do is dependent on our daily jobs and community support, which is critical in this period.
If you are in situation to make a financial contribution you are welcome to do so