HEKLER HOST / Y? PROJECT & Click, Pop, Hiss
November 14, 2019 * 6.30 -10pm * Gowanus, Brooklyn
This event takes place in a private house. To RSVP email heklerke@gmail.com
HEKLER is pleased to welcome Y? PROJECT - Neža Knez, Danilo Milovanović, Toni Poljanec, and Luka Erdani, through a residency, presentation and a pop-up exhibition showcasing a multifaceted travelogue of Yugo, a legendary car first manufactured in former Yugoslavia in 1977. This artistic team hailing from Slovenia, will talk about their experiences in an intimate setting, while sharing research material, photographs, and in process videos from their recent European tour with Yugo that now serves as an index of an era as well as a unifier of related narratives within dispersed Yugoslav community they have encountered on this journey. The presentation will be followed by Click, Pop, Hiss, a sonic negotiation of mechanical failure and success, curated by Gocha Tsinadze. Through several sound based performances, artists and composers Gocha Tsinadze, Matthew D. Gantt, Sara Wentworth, and George Kinjo Ericson will incorporate computer, digital and analog instruments celebrating the improvisatory and constructivist nature of experience.
Organizers: Jelena Prljević and Joshua Nierodzinski.
Y? journey started in Kragujevac (Serbia), the original location of the car factory Crvena Zastava where Yugo was produced, and continued across Europe to the UK from where they shipped the car to New York. This journey and the car are a creative platform that includes the production of an experimental documentary film which merges perspectives, experiences and emotional attachments by the individuals they encountered on their way who belong to Yugoslav diaspora. They include former factory workers, the current owners and fans of Yugo cars, theoreticians and artists who understand Yugo as a symbol of a specific era and it complexities. Together with a documentary approach, the project consist of multiple interventions in the public space that aim to place symbolic forms in new contexts.
The story of Yugo is dynamic and in a way dramatic. In the USA, the car first triumphed as a sales hit, but relatively soon lost its appeal to become the subject of mockery and a synonym for poor quality. At the other end of the world, however, in the territory of former Yugoslavia, the car which initially represented the success of Yugoslav industry, has until now remained a souvenir of the socialist past and a catalyst of individual and collective memories. Even today, all those who have even the slightest memory of Yugo have their own perspective of this unique phenomenon that still provokes a whole range of reactions: from cynical smiles and comments to sweet memories.
Three decades after the Yugoslav automotive industry attempted to conquer the American market, the team set off on a journey in a Yugo car to search for traces of the car’s history. This project will be completed in New York with a performative sale of the car in the form of an auction.
Y? Team Portfolio - Neža Knez, Danilo Milovanović, Toni Poljanec, and Luka Erdani
Gocha Tsinadze is an artist working across media including sound, video, drawing and painting. He works and lives in NYC and hails from the Republic of Georgia. With an interest in memory, decay, and cognitive modeling, his sound work weaves found sound, field recording, and computer music engaging the language of the subconscious. Through a compilation of discrete elements and assembly through an aggregate process, Tsinadze celebrates an aesthetic equilibrium achieved by an improvised system. Tsinadze received his MFA from Brooklyn College's Performing and Interactive Media Arts program in 2012.
IG: @cloakfordarwin
Matthew D. Gantt is an artist and composer based in Troy, NY. His practice focuses on (dis)embodiment in virtual spaces, procedural systems facilitated by idiosyncratic technology, and the recursive nature of digital production and consumption. Gantt has presented or performed at a range of institutional and grassroots venues, including Panoply Performance Laboratory, the New Museum, The Stone, Issue Project Room, and internationally at IRCAM (Paris) and Koma Elektronik (Berlin). Gantt releases music with Orange Milk and Oxtail Recordings, teaches extended media and experimental composition through both academic and DIY organizations, and worked as a studio assistant to electronics pioneer Morton Subotnick from 2016 – '18.
Sara Wentworth holds a Ph.D. in Digital Art from the School of Music and Theater at UCC, Ireland and lives/works in Brooklyn,NY. foo.cat is the solo project that keeps her sane through the chaos and hustle of living in NYC. Drawing from her work in interactive installations and multimedia theater systems as well as a love of collage and stringed instruments, she continues to glue disparate elements together with code in hopes of either making sense of the chaos or giving into the madness.Classical meets the avant guard meets misused DJ tools.
IG: @foo.cat.music
George Kinjo Ericson holds an MFA from Mason Gross School of Arts and lives/works in Brooklyn, New York. Having worked in a wide variety of mediums to Illustrate personal, psychological and social narratives, I have in recent years tailored back to a practice that is functionally and materially sustainable and devoid of narratives or advocacies. A whittling back to roots in improvisational sound collectives to rediscover and forward personal explorations in the manipulation and sensation of sound. All broader considerations are eschewed to reestablish an essential voice.
This path has been necessitated by the logistics of NYC life by only of proletarian means, but is also inspired by the constant immersion in the rich sonic din of NYC itself.
Ovaj događaj se odvija u privatnoj kući. Prijave na email heklerke@gmail.com
HEKLER sa zadovoljstvom pozdravlja Y? PROJECT - Neža Knez, Danilo Milovanović, Toni Poljanec i Luka Erdani, koji uključuje rezidenciju, prezentaciju i pop-up izložbu prikazujući višestruki putopis o jugu, legendarnom automobilu koji je prvi put proizveden u bivšoj Jugoslaviji 1977. godine. Ovaj umetnički tim poreklom iz Slovenije, pričaće o svojim iskustvima u intimnom okruženju, deleći istraživački materijal, fotografije i video snimke u procesu sa njihove nedavne evropske turneje sa Jugom koja sada služi kao indeks jedne epohe, kao i objedinjavanje srodnih narativa unutar disperzivne jugoslovenske zajednice na koje su naišli na ovom putovanju. Prezentaciju će pratiti Click, Pop, Hiss, zvučno pregovaranje mehaničkog kvara i uspeha, čiji je kustos Goča Cinadže. Kroz nekoliko nastupa zasnovanih na zvuku, umetnici/ce i kompozitori/ke Goča Cinadze, Metju D. Gant, Sara Ventvort i Džordž Kinjo Erikson uključiće kompjuterske, digitalne i analogne instrumente slaveći improvizatorsku i konstruktivističku prirodu iskustva.
Organizatori: Jelena Prljević i Joshua Nierodzinski.
Y? putovanje je počelo u Kragujevcu (Srbija), prvobitnoj lokaciji fabrike automobila Crvena Zastava gde se proizvodio Jugo, a nastavilo se širom Evrope do Velike Britanije odakle su automobil isporučili u Njujork. Ovo putovanje i auto su kreativna platforma koja uključuje produkciju eksperimentalnog dokumentarnog filma koji spaja perspektive, iskustva i emotivne privrženosti pojedinaca koje su na svom putu sreli, a koji pripadaju jugoslovenskoj dijaspori. Među njima su bivši radnici fabrike, sadašnji vlasnici i ljubitelji jugo automobila, teoretičari i umetnici koji jugo shvataju kao simbol specifične epohe i njene složenosti. Zajedno sa dokumentarističkim pristupom, projekat se sastoji od višestrukih intervencija u javnom prostoru koje imaju za cilj da simboličke forme smeste u nove kontekste.
Priča o Jugu je dinamična i na neki način dramatična. U SAD je automobil najpre trijumfovao kao hit prodaje, ali je relativno brzo izgubio privlačnost i postao predmet sprdnje i sinonim za loš kvalitet. Na drugom kraju sveta, međutim, na prostoru bivše Jugoslavije, automobil koji je u početku predstavljao uspeh jugoslovenske industrije, do sada je ostao suvenir socijalističke prošlosti i katalizator individualnih i kolektivnih sećanja. I danas svi oni koji se i najmanje sećaju Juga imaju svoju perspektivu ovog jedinstvenog fenomena koji i danas izaziva čitav niz reakcija: od ciničnih osmeha i komentara do slatkih uspomena.
Tri decenije nakon što je jugoslovenska automobilska industrija pokušala da osvoji američko tržište, tim je krenuo na putovanje Jugo automobilom u potrazi za tragovima istorije automobila. Ovaj projekat će biti završen u Njujorku performativnom prodajom automobila u formi aukcije.
Y? Tim Portfolio - Neža Knez, Danilo Milovanović, Toni Poljanec, and Luka Erdani
Goča Cinadze je umetnik koji radi sa različitim medijima, uključujući zvuk, video, crtež i sliku. Radi i živi u Njujorku i potiče iz Republike Džordžije. Sa interesovanjem za sećanje, propadanje i kognitivno modeliranje, njegov zvučni rad prepliće pronalaženje zvuka, snimanja na terenu i kompjuterske muziku koja uključuje jezik podsvesti. Kroz kompilaciju diskretnih elemenata i sklapanje kroz agregatni proces, Cinadze slavi estetsku ravnotežu postignutu improvizovanim sistemom. Cinadze je magistrirao na programu Performing and Interactive Media Arts na Bruklinskom koledžu 2012.
IG: @cloakfordarwin
Metju D. Gant je umetnik i kompozitor sa sedištem u Troji, Njujork. Njegova praksa se fokusira na (raz)utelovljenje u virtuelnim prostorima, proceduralne sisteme olakšane idiosinkratičnom tehnologijom i rekurzivnu prirodu digitalne proizvodnje i potrošnje. Gant je predstavljao ili nastupao na nizu institucionalnih i lokalnih mesta, uključujući Panopli Performans Laboratorij, Novi muzej, The Stone, Issue Project Room, i međunarodno u IRCAM-u (Pariz) i Koma Elektronik (Berlin). Gant objavljuje muziku sa Orange Milk i Oktail Recordings, predaje proširene medije i eksperimentalnu kompoziciju kroz akademske i uradi sam organizacije, i radio je kao studijski asistent pioniru elektronike Mortonu Subotniku od 2016. do 2018. godine.
Sara Ventvort je doktoririala digitalnu umetnost na Školi za muziku i pozorište na UCC, Irska i živi/radi u Bruklinu, Njujork. foo.cat je solo projekat koji je održava razumnom kroz haos i užurbanost života u Njujorku. Crpeći iz svog rada na interaktivnim instalacijama i multimedijalnim pozorišnim sistemima, kao i ljubavlju prema kolažu i žičanim instrumentima, ona nastavlja da lepi različite elemente zajedno sa kodom u nadi da će ili dati smisao haosu ili popustiti u ludilu. Klasika se susreće sa avangardom i sa zloupotrebljenim DJ alatima.
IG: @foo.cat.music
Džordž Kinjo Erikson je magistrirao na Mason Gross School of Arts i živi/radi u Bruklinu, Njujork. Pošto je radio u raznim medijima na ilustrovanju ličnih, psiholoških i društvenih narativa, poslednjih godina se prilagodio praksi koja je funkcionalno i materijalno održiva i lišena narativa ili zagovaranja. Vraća se korenima u improvizatorskim zvučnim kolektivima kako bi ponovo otkrio i unapredio lična istraživanja u manipulaciji i osećaju zvuka. Sva šira razmatranja izbegavaju se da bi se ponovo uspostavio suštinski glas. Ovaj put je bio neophodan logistikom njujorškog života samo proleterskim sredstvima, ali je takođe inspirisan stalnim uranjanjem u bogatu zvučnu buku samog Njujorka.













Photo credit: Aleksandar Kostić, Petar Lakić, Y? Project, HEKLER